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Metabolic Aging

Life in this planet are getting old. As getting old, biological functions of living organisms are getting reduced, which is aging. As you see in the picture, a young girl become an adult woman and become an old lady with wrinkles that she may not want but cannot escape. Why does it happen? Now, based on our scientific understandings of aging, we could categorized aging into two part. First, Genetic aging​​. Our chromosome has telomere that control how many times cell can divided, because telomere get shorten by each cell division. It limits the self-renewal capacity of our stem cells. In the other part, Metabolic aging. To maintain life, cells have to generate energy and building blocks using nutrients, so called metabolism. During this process, free radicals were inevitably generated; it could damage mitochondria and cellular proteins and organelles, which could lead different type of aging, named as metabolic aging.

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